Watch Devs Intentionally Break Their Games By Multiplying A Number By 1,000


The game developers of X {formerly Twitter) have been purposefully introducing glitches into their games this week, just to see what would happen–and the results are hilarious. Challenged with multiplying a random value from their game files by 1,000, multiple game devs have posted varied results including giant enemies, floods of spawned items, and super-powerful attacks.

The trend was started by developer Tyler Glaiel, who is currently working on Mewgenics. Glaiel shared a GIF that showed the game with massively increased gore splatter, and then challenged other developers to post similar results from their own games in development.

It’s not uncommon for these kinds of bugs to happen unintentionally during game development, when a developer accidentally enters one too many or too few zeros in a data field, but making them happen on purpose can be just as fun.

We’ve gathered some of our favorite takes on the prompt, though the post’s quotes are filled with many more examples of mostly indie developers’ funniest intentional bugs. One popular approach was to increase the number of items spawning from a specific event, though not all the devs’ machines appeared to keep up with the huge number of spawns.

Some devs increased the distance an ability could work from, while others went straight to giving characters super strength by multiplying the force of an attack.

Of course it’s hard to go past making random characters and objects super big or super tiny, though my favorite take on the prompt has to be indie darling Cult of the Lamb’s ultra-chaos mode.