Pokemon Go: Last Chance To Catch Armored Mewtwo


Time is running out to catch

Like most other Legendaries in Pokemon Go, Armored Mewtwo will appear in five-star Raids. You must team up with other players in-person and battle the Legendary Pokemon first, before you can earn a chance at capturing it. Despite its different appearance and stats, Armored Mewtwo is still a pure Psychic-type, which means it’s weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug Pokemon such as Giratina, Tyranitar, and Scizor.

Armored Mewtwo isn’t the only Pokemon leaving Go soon. You also only have a few more days to catch a Pikachu wearing a straw hat, which is spawning around the world as part of a One Piece crossover event. Straw hat Pikachu will only appear in the wild until July 29, so time is running out to add one to your collection if you haven’t already.

In other Pokemon Go news, Team Rocket has begun appearing in the game. You can challenge Rocket grunts at certain PokeStops and then catch the Shadow Pokemon they leave behind. Niantic has also announced the first details for August’s Community Day. The event is set for Saturday, August 3, and the featured Pokemon this time will be the Psychic/Fairy-type Ralts.