Cris Tales Trailer Reveals More Stylish Animations And New Gameplay


A new trailer for Cris Tales debuted during Future Games Show. It provided a fresh look at the upcoming stylish RPG. You can watch it, below.

In Cris Tales, you take control of the titular Crisbell (unless the title is actually in reference to her ally, Cristopher–yup, there’s more than one Cris), a young orphan who becomes a time mage. Each time mage can affect time in a unique way–in Crisbell’s case, she can see the world in the past, present, and future all at the same time. Using this knowledge, she can change the flow of time and influence the course of events.

For example, early-on in the game, Crisbell sees that in the future, two shops in town will fall on hard times after their respective store fronts mysteriously collapse. The means of preventing their collapse can only be achieved by mixing a potion from a rare fruit.

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