Call Of Duty: Warzone–Watch A Squad Drum Up A Victory With Only Kali Stick Kills


Call of Duty: Warzone added a new melee weapon in Season 4–the Kali Stick, a pair of sticks that can be used as melee weapons to quickly beat down an opponent. Generally, a new melee weapon is not as exciting in a game like this as a new powerful gun. As it turns out, though, the Kali Stick is incredibly deadly in the right hands.

YouTuber Vikkstar123 has released a video of him and the other members of his three-person squad racking up a win in the Call of Duty battle royale game only using Kali Sticks to hurt their enemies.

While secondary grenades like flashbangs are used, and the squad also use vehicles to move around the map and riot shields to protect themselves, their kills are all scored with these sticks.

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