Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Playlist Updates Moving To Thursdays


Co-developer Treyarch is moving its Call of Duty playlist update notifications for Black Ops Cold War to Thursdays, the studio announced on Twitter. The next one lands on January 7.

The playlist updates for the latest Call of Duty games–particularly Modern Warfare and Warzone–are sent out relatively spontaneously, though they land on various Tuesdays throughout the year. From now on, however, playlist updates will start trickling out on Thursdays. The next update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War arrives this Thursday and features Raid and Crossroads Strike 24/7, Gunfight Blueprints, and Dirty Bomb Duos.

Treyarch only mentioned Black Ops Cold War. However, it’s likely that this change in when playlist updates are sent out extends to Call of Duty: Warzone as well.

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