Dead Space Writer Teases An Upcoming PS5 Game Reveal


The PlayStation 5 reveal event is right around the corner now, as it’s set to take place on June 11. Sony has kept a tight lid on what will be shown off during the video, but one writer has shared a cryptic tweet that indicates that a secret game they’re working on will be revealed.

Antony Johnson, who wrote much of Dead Space and worked on the writing of the nemesis system and dialog in Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, tweeted that he’s been working on a big game for the past two years. He also said that, in “totally unrelated news,” he believes that people should watch the upcoming PlayStation 5 reveal.

As some of you know, I’ve been working on a big videogame for almost 2 years now.

In totally unrelated news, you should all watch the PS5 launch event on Thursday.


— Antony Johnston (@AntonyJohnston) June 9, 2020

Johnston didn’t (and likely couldn’t) elaborate further, but we won’t have to wait much longer to find out what the game is. Johnson also wrote The Coldest City, the graphic novel that the movie Atomic Blonde is adapted from. His latest book is The Tempus Project.

Whatever the game is, we wouldn’t bet on it being Dead Space 4. Dead Space developer Visceral Games is no more, and much of the team that worked on it is scattered. Another Dead Space vet, Glen Schofield, is working on a narrative-centric game set in the PUBG universe.

The PlayStation 5 will release before the end of 2020. Sony has said that the COVID-19 pandemic has not impacted their ability to produce consoles.