Massive Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide Book Is Live For Preorder


An enormous Animal Crossing: New Horizons guide, titled

You’ll find explanations for New Horizon’s many systems–from building up your town and acquiring new villagers, to helpful tips on how to maximize your town’s income and suggestions for expanding your island. There is even a list of every item you can craft, collect, or catalog on your island, with steps on how to acquire them all. It seems like just about any question you may have about Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be answered somewhere in this giant guidebook.

Along with the gameplay guides, the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Official Complete Guide also includes background details on the various villagers you can meet and other fun facts about the game. All that information is presented with simple-to-read diagrams so you can quickly reference what you need while playing, and bound in a high-quality hardcover.

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons Official Complete Guide launches on April 30, 2023, and you can preorder it now for $54.41 from Amazon.