Overwatch 2 Battle For Olympus Event – All Skins, Rewards, And Arcade Modes


There are corresponding legendary skins for each of the seven heroes included in the Battle for Olympus arcade mode. Three of the skins–Pharah, Ramattra, and Junker Queen–have been available as part of the premium Season 2 battle pass, but now the remaining skins are available in the shop.

The Minotaur Reinhardt bundle includes the legendary skin and a Minotaur Spray. The Cyclops Roadhog includes the legendary skin, along with the On the Shoulder Victory Pose and the Crushing Blow Highlight Intro. The Medusa Widowmaker bundle includes the legendary skin along with the Petrified Hammond Souvenirs and the Death Stare Highlight Intro. Lastly, the Hermes Lucio bundle includes the skin and the Winged Sandals Weapon Charm. It’s important to note that the Overwatch 2 item shop rotates every Tuesday morning. While it’s not guaranteed that these bundles will leave the shop before the event ends, it is a possibility.