Final Fantasy 7 Remake Gets Its First PS4 Patch


It feels like a lifetime ago when Final Fantasy VII Remake dropped on PlayStation 4 in April 2020. Now, seven months after launch, Square Enix has released the first patch for the action-RPG–and it doesn’t do much according to the patch notes

To be more specific, update version 1.01 simply “fixed various bugs.” That’s the one and only line of patch notes you can see when viewing the game’s update history on PlayStation 4. Square Enix has not expanded on what the “various bugs” are. And both the Final Fantasy VII Remake and Square Enix Twitter accounts have not publicly mentioned this update.

According to Push Square, the update fixes game crashes, addresses freezing and frame rate drops, irons out stuttering and lag, and implements performance and stability improvements. But again, neither the developer nor publisher has said what update version 1.01 does.

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